Build capacity and collaborations to conduct responsive, equitable, innovative, patient-oriented research that continuously improves the care and health of Saskatchewan people.
Working together for a healthier Saskatchewan through patient-oriented research.
► Patient-Oriented
► Responsive
► Continuous Improvement
► Capacity Building
► Equitable
► Collaborative
► Innovative
The 2021-2022 year was one of transition for Saskatchewan Centre for Patient-Oriented Research (SCPOR), both physically (with both the Patient Engagement platform and the Indigenous Research Engagement and Expertise (IREE) platform transitioning to new organizations) and in terms of our work, as we prepared for phase two of our grant and the new direction it will bring. Much of our operational plan was dedicated to transitioning to a Learning Health System (LHS) approach and developing the systems and infrastructure necessary to carry out our phase two objectives. New governance structures and staffing models were prepared to accommodate the upcoming changes.
Despite limited resources due to COVID-related priorities within our partner organizations, much progress was made with the Health Research Data Platform - Saskatchewan (HRDP-SK), which will be Saskatchewan’s first fully integrated and streamlined multi-agency data access platform for health research and analysis. The Master Health Data Sharing Agreement – the first step in realizing a system-wide approach to a common platform for using health system data and analytics to benefit the Saskatchewan health system - was drafted, ensuring general principles, and terms and conditions to contribute and access data in a central repository align with health legislation. Further processes for accessing health data were developed and resources to assist patient-oriented research (POR) teams in accessing and effectively using health data were created.
Patient Partners continued to drive change within SCPOR and in patient-oriented research. Internally, Patient Partners initiated definition changes to better reflect our core values and developed material valueable to new patient-oriented research teams. Their influence in the new Terms of Reference for the Patient Partner Advisory Council (PPAC) will lead to exciting new opportunities for future Patient Partners, including a mentorship program.
In 2022-23, SCPOR will focus on completing remaining work from our phase one grant, including advancing the development of the HRDP-SK and supporting outstanding projects to completion. SCPOR will also begin implementing our phase two grant, with key focuses such as selecting two large Patient-Oriented Research Learning Health System Projects and supporting their implementation. We will also focus on developing and implementing processes to support National Patient-Oriented Research Projects, and capacity development will continue with new traineeships.
Jackie Mann, Executive Director
Malcolm King, Scientific Director