In patient-oriented research, patients are partners on the team. SCPOR is here to support researchers in recruiting, working with and compensating Patient Partners throughout the research project.
Recruiting Patient Partners
The Saskatchewan Centre for Patient-Oriented Research offers support to research teams in their efforts to engage patients and their families as partners in their research projects. See our infographic on how you can work with SCPOR to recruit and onboard Patient Partners to your research team.
The Patient Engagement & Research Link (PEARL) is a new online tool that links Patients, Families, and Communities with Patient-Oriented Research Projects! Learn more and discover patient opportunities by clicking here.
Onboarding Guide for Patient-Oriented Research Teams
Ensure your patient-oriented research team is getting a good start with these guides, co-developed with SCPOR’s Patient Partners.
Tools for Patient Engagement
Patient Engagement Planning Tool
The Patient Engagement Planning Tool is used to guide the discussion about how patients may be engaged in your research project. Complete this template as early in the project identification phase as possible. Include patients in the creation of this plan if possible. This template may be used throughout the life of project to amend or identify new or additional patient engagement opportunities.
Best Practices for Virtual Patient Engagement
The COVID-19 pandemic has shifted many patient engagement activities in health research online. The following practices offer strategies for research teams to uphold the values and principles set out in Canadian Institute of Health Research’s Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research while patient partners. #stayhome. Click here to download the infographic. It is also available in French.
SCPOR Patient-Oriented Research Level of Engagement Tool (PORLET)
The SCPOR Patient-Oriented Research Level of Engagement Tool measures the degree to which a project meets the definition of patient-oriented research described by the CIHR Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research (SPOR). The tool utilizes five criteria which have been adopted from SPOR published documents. These criteria are: patients are partners, patient identified priorities, outcomes important to patients, team is multidisciplinary, and aims to integrate knowledge into practice. Each of these criteria is rated on a scale from 1 to 5. Click here to learn more about the PORLET 2.0.
Compensating Patient Partners
SCPOR believes demonstrating our appreciation for patients and families is imperative. We strongly encourage providing honoraria and expense reimbursement when possible. For more information, see SCPOR’s Honoraria Policy.