Featuring content from Dr. Erin Prosser-Loose, Research Equity & Diversity Specialist, College of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan
Sex is identity based on biological attributes, such as genes, hormones, and reproductive/sexual anatomy.
Gender is identity based on how we perceive ourselves and others; socially constructed roles, behaviours and expressions. The main issues in health research include that biological sex differences are not well understood and gender bias is often present in research design and health delivery.
Consider intersecting factors: Sex and gender do not exist in a vacuum. They are interconnected with domains such as race, ethnicity, social position, sexual orientation, disability, oppression, privilege, policies, practices, etc. and many of these can vary based on individual situations. Even in work with lab animals, consider strain, age, temperament, behaviour and environmental enrichment. How can you address intersecting factors in your work
For more information on sex and gender in health research, or to analyze your own research design, download the Checklist for Integrating Sex and Gender Considerations.
Check out the Health Researcher’s Toolkit: Why Sex & Gender Matter!
(Featured content by Women’s Xchange, Women’s College Research Institute)
To produce robust and useful findings, it is critical to integrate considerations of sex and gender in health research studies. Yet, it is not always easy to figure out how best to do this when study methods can vary so widely.
The seven modules included in this toolkit introduce key concepts, definitions and short video lectures from research experts on integrating sex and gender into a variety of research methodologies - from secondary data analysis to connect mapping. Case studies, knowledge reviews and short quizzes all help to reinforce the described steps and strategies
Activism and Evidence:
A historical review of the ongoing struggle for equitable health care access in Canada.
Why do Sex and Gender Matter?
Definitions and their correct usage are integral to improving health services, clinical care, and research. Case Study: Sex and Gender Disparities in Access to Care and Outcomes Related to Joint Replacement
Inclusive Sex and Gender Data Collection in Survey Research
The importance of acknowledging sex and gender diversity and designing appropriate data collection tools.
Sex-Specific Analyses and Reporting in Clinical Trials
Appraising sex-specific group analyses in clinical trial data and the importance of reporting outcomes by sex.
Integrated Mixed Methods
Using qualitative and quantitative methods to capture the experiences of LGBTQ2S identified persons in accessing home care.
Case Study: Surveying Challenges with LGBTQ2S Homeless Youth
Concept Mapping: Gendered Perceptions of Intimate Partner Violence
A novel method used to explore gender differences in understanding and perceptions of abusive relationships.
Beyond Sex and Gender: Making Research More Participatory for Vulnerable Populations
Examining strategies to strengthen collaborative research with vulnerable, marginalized or socially excluded communities.