Health Data Research Platform - Saskatchewan

The Health Research Data Platform - Saskatchewan (HDRP-SK) is the province’s first fully integrated multi-agency data access platform for health research. HRDP-SK provides coordinated and timely access to health data that will enable research teams to address research questions more efficiently and effectively.

Data and Health Research

Over the last decade, technology has streamlined the collection and storage of health data and increased increased its accessibility. Today, providing access to data is more important than ever before. Timely access to accurate and up-to-date health information delivers better patient care, and it has become increasingly important to use health data to expand our knowledge, conduct research, and to evaluate and improve the delivery of health care services.

There are many ways that health data research can be used to help improve outcomes:

  • Make evidence-based decisions

  • Study patterns of care, health utilization and costs

  • Drive system improvement and transformation

  • Influence and advise health policy, programming and funding

  • Provide information about disease trends and risk factors

  • Analyze outcomes of treatments and health interventions

The HRDP-SK is pleased to build partnerships between data providers, stakeholders, patients, and researchers to help shape and improve the delivery of health care for Saskatchewan patients. We believe that balancing the benefits of health research that are in the public interest, with the privacy rights of the individual, is essential and HRDP-SK takes our responsibilities for maintaining privacy and security seriously.

The HRDP-SK has built significant research capacity and builds capacity for other secondary data purposes. The platform is beneficial to both researchers and health organizations. Researchers have timely, appropriate, reliable and predictable access to health system data in a remote access environment, while the HRDP-SK team and health organizations work collaboratively to implement standardized and efficient processes for managing data access requests and data sharing, thus minimizing variation, redundancies and inefficiencies.