Ready to get involved? SCPOR provides several supports and opportunities for Patient Partners to maximize their potential for success. Below are some of the of the tools, courses and supports that Patient Partners may be interested in.
The Patient Engagement & Research Link (PEARL) is a new online tool that links Patients, Families, and Communities with Patient-Oriented Research Projects!
Is there a topic you’re passionate about and want to contribute your lived experience to a patient oriented research team? PEARL can connect you with the right people!
Learn more and discover patient opportunities by clicking here.
Onboarding Guide for Patient-Oriented Research Teams
If you’re new to patient-oriented research, or simply joining a new team, these guides will help get your project started in the right direction!
SCPOR’s Onboarding Guide for Patient-Oriented Research Teams was co-developed with Patient Partners to address some of the important details to consider when forming a new POR team.
Patient Honoraria is provided in recognition of Patient Partner time. In order to be able to claim honoraria, there is a two-step process: create a profile in our volunteer database and then sign into your newly created account and log the hours.
After an event/meeting, you will log your hours. Once this happens, the SCPOR Better Impact administrator will generate the required reports and submit the information to accounting - you can expect a cheque to arrive in the mail within 2-4 weeks once the hours have been logged. Set up a Better Impact account. Instructions can be found here. When signing up for an SHA Better Impact account, these supplementary documents will need to be completed.
SPOR Module Training These training modules are focused on patient-oriented research. The sessions cover topics such as: the language and terminology of patient-oriented research, the patient engagement movement, how it works and roles for patients in patient–oriented research. SPOR module training is for everyone on the research team – Patient Partners, Researchers, Health Care Providers and Health Care Decision Makers. Contact our Patient Engagement Team about future patient engagement training opportunities.
Building Research Relationships with Indigenous Communities (BRRIC) module is beneficial for faculty, researchers, Patient Partners, health care providers, SCPOR supported research teams, students, research and health organizations, and any other individual or organization seeking to engage Indigenous communities in research. The aim of the module is to provide participants with practical skills for engaging in transformative research with Indigenous peoples that utilizes best practices to ensure research is effective and produces outcomes that benefit Indigenous communities. Click here to access the online course.
Realizing Indigenous Rights & Responsibilities in Research (RIRRR) workshop was developed to provide training to Indigenous communities in an effort to build research capacity and self-determination in research. SCPOR researchers engaged with Indigenous communities are advised to build their relationships “in a good way” by adhering to communities’ cultural protocols, conducting reciprocal research and creating spaces for Indigenous communities/Patient Partners to lead or co-lead research. For more information, contact iphrc@firstnationsuniversity.ca.