“For me, when I do community research, it has to benefit them. We don’t want to do research for the sake of research. It needs to at least move them from point A to point B.”
SCPOR provides matching funding for students (masters, doctoral, and medical residents) interested in patient-oriented health research. To qualify, student trainees must be working on patient-oriented research projects. To learn more about the SCPOR trainee program, click here.
Trainee Support
In addition to matching trainee funding, SCPOR will provide in-kind support to trainee research projects. Supports for trainees are offered through SCPOR’s component areas: Patient Engagement, Capacity Development, and Indigenous Research and Engagement Expertise. Here are the most common in-kind supports SCPOR trainees have accessed:
Patient Engagement - Assistance with recruitment and orientation, coaching and consultation support, expense reimbursement
Free training sessions - Building Research Relationships with Indigenous Communities (BRRIC) training module and Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research (SPOR) Module training
Capacity Development - Knowledge translation coaching and patient-oriented research mentorship
Methods - Connections to researchers in the Affiliated Research Allaince familiar with methodologies
Trainee Funding
SCPOR provides funding for trainees from the University of Saskatchewan, the University of Regina, and Saskatchewan Polytechnic. Visit Funding Opportunities under the Trainees tab to learn of current opportunities.
SCPOR Trainee Engagement with Patients (STEP) Funding: STEP funding was developed to support SCPOR trainees in engaging Patient Partners in their research projects by providing funds to pay Patient Partner honoraria and expenses.
Click here for a list of frequently asked questions and answers for STEP Funding.
The trainee program is organized by SCPOR’s Capacity Development component. If you have questions related to SCPOR’s traineeships please reach out to Christine Stobart, SCPOR Coordinator.