Welcome to the Patient-Oriented Research (POR) Alliance!
The ARA is now the POR Alliance!
The Affiliated Researcher Alliance (ARA) has been revitalized as the Patient-Oriented Research (POR) Alliance. Through the POR Alliance, SCPOR will continue to provide learning and collaboration opportunities for researchers, but we're excited to now invite all members of your POR team, including Patient Partners, clinicians, decision makers, researchers, staff, and anyone else interested in POR!
POR Alliance Speaker Series
Join us for regular presentations from research teams who excel at POR!
Upcoming Speaker Series Events:
March 27, 2025 - details to come!
Dr. Cari McIllduff & Patient Partners
The PORTAL: Your gateway to all things POR!
SCPOR’s email publication for POR Alliance members, featuring:
Pointers in POR - This Ask the Expert features will allow POR Alliance members to pose questions that will be answered by other POR Alliance members with expertise in that specific area in a subsequent issue of the PORTAL.
Knowledge Translation - have something from your POR project you wish to share? Submit to the PORTAL for a chance to be featured in our newsletter to the POR Alliance and beyond!
Upcoming Events
Training Opportunities
Coming Soon! Watch for details here and in future editions of The PORTAL
POR Alliance Member Profiles
Knowledge Translation Links
Are you interested in joining the POR Alliance? Please complete the form below.
SCPOR Affiliated Researcher Alliance (ARA) member information will automatically carry over to the POR Alliance. If ARA Members wish to add or update information currently displayed on the ARA page, please fill out the form below. If you have questions, please contact us at scpor@usask.ca.