Services for Researchers

Data Access Process

The HRDP-SK team manages and coordinates the data access process for researchers. This includes:

  • Guidance, support, and coaching for applying to access our managed data holdings and/or to link them to other data sets (including researcher collected data).

  • A streamlined, harmonized and transparent access procedure for applying for data from multiple Data Trustees.

  • Online training resources for researchers at different stages of the data access process.

The data access process entails seven stages that a research team must go through to access the datasets in the HRDP-SK, from initial request to project closure.

Stages 1-7 of the HRDP-SK data access process
  • The Feasibility and Resource Availability Check gathers information about the research proposal and identifies all the databases needed for the research project. This stage verifies that the data requested is available in the HRDP-SK and that the HRDP-SK team resources are available to support the request. 

    Prior to starting Stage 1, researchers are encouraged to review Admin Data 101.

    In Stage 1:

    • The Principal Investigator(s) complete the Stage 1: Feasibility & Resource Checkform and provides their Curriculum Vitae.

    • The HRDP-SK team reviews and may meet with the research team to gather additional information.

    • The HRDP-SK team determines if the data is available and what resources will be needed to support the project.

    • The HRDP-SK director, on behalf of the Master Health Data Sharing Agreement (MHDSA) Governance Committee, provides the Principal Investigator(s) with a Confirmation of Resources Letter if the project is approved. This document can be used in funding applications if needed.

  • The Assessment and Authorization stage is the process by which the HRDP-SK Team assesses whether a research project should be given access to the HRDP-SK. It requires the research team to submit detailed information about the research proposal, privacy and confidentiality, and the research team members. The research team identifies the datasets and the variables in the datasets they are seeking to use in their research project.

    In Stage 2:

    The HRDP-SK team will complete an assessment and provide a recommendation to the data trustees.

    The Trustee Authorization Committee will review the documentation and determine if the project can be given access to the data in alignment with the Health Information Protection Act. The research team signs a Research Agreement with the data trustees. 

  • At the Onboard & Account Request stage, individual research team members apply to be HRDP-SK users.

    In Stage 3: Each HRDP-SK user will create a MyeHealth account and submit the following documents:

    The HRDP Director and MHDSA governance committee representative approve each user request.

  • The Access and Analyze Data stage is initiated once all approvals are provided and the completed Research Agreement is received by the HRDP-SK team. An HRDP-SK team member provides support to the research team, extracts the required data and makes it available to the approved HRDP-SK users in the Secure Research Environment.

    In Stage 4:

    • The HRDP-SK team compiles all the information needed to extract the data.

    • The HRDP-SK team extracts and links the approved dataset and places it in the SRE.

    • The HRDP-SK team places all supporting documents in the SRE for the research

    • The research team completes their proposed analysis in the SRE.  

    The research team must ensure Research Ethics Board status is maintained throughout the life of the project.

    Any changes to the objectives, methodology, team members, variables or datasets used for the project after Stage 2 is completed require an amendment request be submitted.

  • The Vetting stage is the process by which the HRDP-SK team assesses whether the outputs from the SRE can be disseminated to a wider public in a way that protects confidentiality and privacy. This step ensures that all released results lie within the scope of the project as approved in Stage 2 and do not directly or indirectly disclose any personal health information.

    In Stage 5:

    • The principal investigator submits the following documents from within the Secure Research Environment:

    • The HRDP-SK team will then complete an assessment and if the results meet the vetting criteria, release the statistical results to the research team outside of the Secure Research Environment

  • At the Share Results stage, the HRDP-SK users notify the HRDP-SK team and Trustee Authorization Committee regarding forthcoming material for publication (e.g., academic journals or thesis presentations). This should occur as soon as dissemination timelines have been confirmed.

    In Stage 6: 

    • The Principal Investigator submits a Notice of Dissemination Form and a copy of the research material a minimum of 35 calendar days prior to the planned dissemination.

    • The HRDP-SK team will notify trustees of the proposed dissemination.

  • The Research Project Closure stage indicates that the data analysis component of the research project is complete and the HRDP-SK users will not require further access to the data. 

    In Stage 7:

HDRN Canada - DASH

Health Data Research Network Canada (HDRN Canada) is a pan-Canadian network comprising member organizations engaged in its governance and operations. Member organizations include provincial, territorial, and pan-Canadian organizations that hold health and health-related data for the entire population and/or have mandates and roles relevant to HDRN Canada’s mission and vision. LEARN MORE

The Data Access Support Hub (DASH) is a one-stop data access service portal for researchers requiring multi-regional health and health-related administrative data in Canada. DASH streamlines the data access process through its centralized data access request form and harmonizes processes to request data from multiple data repositories across the country.

Secure Research Environment

The Secure Research Environment (SRE) provides researchers with a central virtual location for access to and analysis of research data. With the SRE, researchers can access data anywhere within Canada without having to be physically present in a facility.

When logged in to the SRE, the user’s screen is locked and access to the internet is cut off such that they are unable to browse the internet or view the desktop. The user has access to SAS (R/R-studio coming soon) as analytical software to conduct analysis within the environment. Only authorized users are allowed to access the SRE. Research team members in the SRE must not share login information or data with unauthorized team members. No information or output can be taken out of the SRE unless it is vetted. The following documents are made available for use within the environment:

  1. Data Dictionaries 

  2. Drug Formulary 

  3. Physician Drug Schedule 

  4. HRDP-SK Stage 5 Vetting information  

  5. HRDP-SK Stage 6 Notice of Dissemination information  

The following documents specific to the project will also be available within the environment for access: 

  1. Stage 2 Assessment & Authorization Form 

  2. Stage 2: Appendix form (variable list) 

Researchers may also place a request for any required information or document to be transferred into the SRE.

Find an issue in the data?

Researchers can report data issues found in the SRE using our Data Issues Inquiry Form