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Workshops in Qualitative Methods for Patient-Oriented Research

  • University of Saskatchewan 3 Campus Drive Saskatoon Canada (map)


The Saskatchewan Centre for Patient-Oriented Research (SCPOR) in collaboration with the Social Sciences Research Laboratiories (SSRL) will be hosting three workshops focused on building capacity in Patient-Oriented Research.

Workshop #1: Collecting Qualitative Data 9:00AM – 11:00AM

Available In-Person or via WebEx

In this workshop, we will discuss practical and logistic elements of collecting qualitative research data to better equip those conducting qualitative research with the skills and mindset necessary to effectively carry out their project(s). Specifically, aspects of project management such as ethical considerations, recruitment, conducting interviews and focus groups, organizing and managing data once it has been collected and preparing it for analysis will all be explored. How to match or decide upon methods of data collection (in-person interview vs. telephone research vs. in-person focus groups vs. web-based focus groups) given the research question(s) being investigated will also be explored. The session will be split into two parts, with part one being more lecture based, and part two being more interactive and discussion based. On completion of this workshop, participants will be able to better navigate the hurdles of conducting qualitative research, gain knowledge on potentially helpful resources, and have an increased foresight in order to land on a best approach to their project(s).

Workshop #2: Using basic NVivo 12 Pro for Windows 12:00PM – 2:00PM

Available In-Person  

This workshop will introduce participants to the basics of NVivo 12 qualitative data analysis software in order to better equip researchers with the skills to help manage, explore, categorize and interpret their data. A variety of the programs basic and intermediate functions will be explored using sample data in efforts to ensure attendees can harness the program to get the most of their data and/or complete their intended project(s) with efficacy. Participants will leave the workshop knowing how to import and organize data, build a node/thematic hierarchy to code data with, and utilize higher-level functions (queries, visual tools) to explore and present potential patterns and connections in the data. Using the program to work with survey data may also be covered if time allows. Please note: though some coverage of the process of analysis will be introduced as a byproduct of talking about the programs features and advantages, the primary purpose of this workshop is to focus on how to use the software, not how to conduct a thematic analysis.

Workshop #3: Survey Analysis 2:30PM – 4:30PM

Available In-Person or via WebEx

 This workshop will introduce you to the basics of analyzing survey data, including data cleaning, data scale considerations, dealing with “select all that apply” questions, filtering by participant variables, and using and scoring validated scales. We will explore descriptive statistics and some basic inferential statistics using SPSS and Excel.

March 6

Balance and Belonging Speaker Series (Speaker #3 of 3)

March 26

- CANCELLED - SPOR Module Training (Regina)